Review Policy
Paranormal Peach is happily and enthusiastically accepting review requests. Please keep in mind that I am a “one-woman” show at the moment so I’ll accept requests at my own discretion and based on my time availability.
That being said, the books I review are from either the library, loaned to me by friends or family, or books I bought myself. Please assume everything I review was obtained in this fashion unless I expressly state otherwise in the review.
My preferred reading medium is an eReader , Kindle to be exact, so please only send me Kindle-compatible files (.mobi) unless sending a hard copy. I tend to read quickly but the time it takes me to review a particular book will depend on my schedule. Please email me or use the Contact Me section to submit requests.
Preferred Genres & Review Schedule
This blog is a passion project dedicated to Paranormal Romance, so that is the genre I prefer.
The Paranormal Romance genre has many sub-categories. In order to give equal and loving attention to all of them, I’ve organized my review schedule by season. I plan to focus on one particular sub-group at a time.
Winter (Dec – Feb): Witches, Wizards, Mages, Fae
Spring (Mar – May): Vampires, Angels, Demons
Summer (Jun – Aug): Shifters
Autumn (Sept – Nov): Aliens, Cyborgs, Space Travel
I may occasionally veer off this for a contemporary romance or read a book outside of its season (if it’s worth it). You'll be able to find any non-ParaRom reviews in the Random Romance section.
Rating System
Although opinionated, my intention is not to sway your beliefs one way or another. And I have no intention of dragging hard-working and wildly creative authors through the mud. I’m simply excited to share what I think about the stories that cross my path. While I do my best to review as critically as I possibly can, I tend to be more lenient with novels that get me in the “feelings”. However, I do consider both aspects when I’m rating and reviewing a book.
Perfection. This book is my spirit animal. A diamond in the rough and reading it has changed me as it has become a part of my soul.
I love this book. It hit all the right spots and I wouldn’t think twice about recommending it to anyone. We’re definitely in a committed relationship.
I liked this book. We’re good pals and I liked it enough to finish it. I probably wouldn’t reread it but I would recommend it.
I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it either. This novel most likely had too many flaws to be completely enjoyable.
I couldn’t finish it or found it offensive in some way. I hate when this happens.